IR Contact
IR Department
Ms. Mayuree Seeta
Phayathai, Bangkok 10400

Dohome Public Company Limited (the “Company”) would like to assure the investors and/or the shareholders of the Company (“You”) that your personal data is important to the Company and the Company guarantees to protect and process those personal data under the best information security measures. In this regard, the Company intends to inform you as the registered shareholders of the Company or as the investor who may contact the Company and request for any specific information from the Company about the privacy notice (the “Privacy Notice”) that the Company is implementing. The Company would like to inform you of the necessity that the Company may have in collecting, compiling, processing and/or disclosing your Personal Data for the performance of Company’s obligations under the Civil and Commercial Code and Public Company Act of Thailand.
In case you do not agree to this Privacy Notice, the Company would need to inform you that the Company shall not be able to perform our obligations to you so please kindly study this Privacy Notice in detail.
It should be noted that this Privacy Notice shall be applicable to You as the registered shareholder or the investor only. This Privacy Notice shall not cover the process of your personal data undertaken by the Company for other purposes so please kindly study the relevant privacy Notice separately and specifically.
The Company reserves the right to make any amendment in this Privacy Notice from time to time in order to assure the compliance with relevant laws and regulations; provided that the Company shall notify the amendment to the Privacy Notice to you via various communication channels.
Your personal data that the Company is processing
It should be noted that the Company may collect and receive your personal data either from you directly or from the shareholder registry book that the Company shall be obliged to keep under the applicable laws and may also include the case where the Company may receive your personal data from the shareholder registrar service providers, Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited.
The Company need to collect and process the following Personal Data of you:
In case you are the corporate shareholder, the Company would need to collect the information of your directors and in case You have appointed any proxy to attend the shareholders’ meeting and exercise any right on your behalf, the Company would need to process the personal data of those persons; provided that the Company shall deem that You have given the representation that you have all the legitimate rights and/or obtain all the consent from the relevant data subject to disclose their personal data to the Company.
Objectives for the personal data process undertaken by the Company
The Company would need to process your personal data for the following purposes:
The Company shall be required to process and store your personal data for all the purposes defined above as long as You remain the Company’s shareholder and as long as the Company may have the obligations under the relevant laws to perform to You as the shareholders or the interesting investor. Also, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Company against any shareholder, the Company reserves the right to store your personal data for the period of time that is necessary to preserve such rights for the prescription period defined under the applicable laws even after the cessation of your shareholder status.
Disclosure of your personal data
Generally, your personal data shall be kept confidential and the Company shall not disclose your personal data to any person, except on the necessary basis to the following group of people:
Representation to implement appropriate information security measures
The Company undertakes that the Company shall use the most appropriate security measures to prevent the unauthorized access, amendment or disclosure of the personal data in any form or in any circumstance by either internal or external persons and the Company commits to review those measures on the regular basis with the strong commitment to be in strict compliance with the applicable laws and the relevant industry best practice.
Your Rights as the Data Subject
The Company respects your rights relating to the personal data as the shareholder or the investor as defined under the applicable laws that include the following rights:
You can contact the Company in order to make the request to exercise any defined rights through the defined channel and the Company will consider and notify You of the Company’s determination within a reasonable period of time to the extent defined under the applicable laws after the receipt of the valid request at: 02-023-8825 or Email: